la vie secrète des femmes non épilées
Messe noire / Black Mass – Anonyme (1928) court-métrage, 7 minutes, noir et blanc
tags : secte, pubis, brunes, réunions secrètes, complotisme, cierges, communautarisme
portrait vidéo de la jeune fille en feu
Céline Sciamma / Violet Bond (Austalian) @violetbond, The Queen, 2023
« For a time her grass grows strong and tall, consuming the land for as far as the eye can see and beyond. She holds dominion over all. A Queendom that covers everything.
At the height of her power, long after the rain has stopped, growth has slowed and the green has turned to golden-brown a time comes that she knows too well.
She could stand as a great conqueror, her grass lands smothering the wild and keeping all new life in darkness, her power as Empresses intact for all time but she does not…
The spark that starts the blaze is from her own crown. She sets fire to her Queendom, her whole world alight, raising her dominion to the ground.
She fades away with the smoke and ash that falls, resting grey and cool on the earth. And in that space she hands over the world, clear and ashen black, ready for the sun and rain to take their place and create the world a new. »
Violet Bond
tag : my name is Bond -Violet Bond
alt : assise dans la brousse desséchée, une jeune femme croise les bras tandis que ses cheveux brûlent
choisir des murs assortis à mes cheveux
Franck Gérard, élections (site web)
alt : une femme blonde, de dos, regarde le ciel bleu dans un espace découpé par des pans de murs jaunes